
Baby Blowouts! All about the poop and how to prevent explosions.

Are you having poop explosions? Are you tired of cleaning the mess up after your baby blowouts?

Have you went to change baby’s diaper only to find out poo has exploded in other places? Worst surprise ever.

young father changing diaper of newborn baby
Photo by Helena Lopes on

My first baby, I maybe had one blowout. I really didn’t understand why other people would have so many blowouts. Queue in my second born and sad music, I now realize what other people were facing.

This girl became the Blowout Queen. Every day we would have to clean her plus her clothes and possibly even her play mat and me. It was becoming a bit ridiculous and gross. I had to find a solution.

Of course, this leads me into doing some research. I’ve found and tested a few things out.

What causes blowouts?

question for baby blowouts

Well that question was definitely used over and over again. I can bet you have used it as well, especially since your here reading how to fix your blowout problems. But before we can fix blowouts, we have to know what might cause them in the first place.

  1. Diaper Size– If you are trying to use up those last diapers you have that are a bit snug, go ahead and ditch them. Having a proper size diaper on baby helps give them room to poo. If its a snug fit, chances are the poo has no where to go but out.
  2. Clothes a little snug- This is pretty much the same concept as having a snug diaper on. Its going to help the poo escape from the diaper because the clothes are giving little to no wiggle room.
  3. Pooing in an over-soaked diaper- The diaper can only do so much. If its holding in pee already, there isn’t much room for the poo to go but out.
  4. How you are holding baby– Believe it or not, I didn’t think this was true. But after finding this out, I was more aware of the way I would hold my baby on the way for a diaper change. Sometimes, I was the culprit for the blowouts.
  5. Baby being constipated- This should go without saying, but if your baby hasn’t made a poo in a while chances are when they do, there is going to be a lot of it.
  6. Diaper not being on snug enough- Now, if the diaper is too lose, well all that poo is definitely getting out.
  7. Diaper brand– I’m not going to rule this out, but I did not test out all of the diaper brands. I did try a few out and they failed me.
  8. Bouncers– If baby has a poo session while they are bouncing away, it will come out.

How do we fix blowouts?

adorable baby sitting on soft blanket
Photo by Dominika Roseclay on

Now that we have found out the common issues that may cause blowouts. Let’s see about fixing them. There are a few things we can do to help minimize and possibly avoid poo explosions all together.

  1. Going up in diaper size– Bam, I know you was thinking the same thing, but if you wasn’t, you are not alone. You’d be surprise how many people try to stay to the weight guidelines of the diaper charts on the boxes, only to find out they are not the greatest “guidelines”. Everybody is different and that is true for babies also. If that diaper is snug, just go up to another size. This is also true when they are leaking pee as well. Most times, if you just go up a size your problems will disappear.
  2. Changing baby more often– Yes, this goes back to our causes section. But sometimes a person just needs to hear this to realize, the diaper can only hold so much. They need to be changed often. Get the diapers with the little pee line indictor if you need a visual reminder.
  3. Watching if baby is constipated- When you haven’t had a poo in a day or two and when you actually do go, chances are there will be lots of it. Same goes for baby. It may help in the early days to months to keep a log of when baby goes potty to help you get a sense of when baby goes.
  4. Scheduled poos- When baby gets a little older, they tend to develop a habit of pooing at around the same time every day. Just like us. Make sure baby has a fresh diaper on before the normal time so the diaper has room to hold in the poo.
  5. Mamas who breastfeed- To my surprise, what I ate affected my baby in more ways then one. Yes, breast milk is amazing and I literally can go on and on about the benefits and ways to use it. But with that being said, if you go out and eat spicy food for example, that is gonna upset the baby’s tummy and later may lead to some unexpected poo diapers. Which may lead to some poo explosions. So being aware of what you eat can help with having less blowouts.
  6. Changing to cloth diapers- Ladies I must confess, I didn’t think I would enjoy doing cloth diapers but these have been my number one best fixes for baby blowouts. I mean if you are already in the boat of common poo explosions and having to clean babies clothes and baby’s body, why not try cloth diapers? Since I made the switch to cloth diapers, I no longer have poo blowouts. Best fix ever!
Macey in Cloth diapers.

My conclusion for baby blowouts.

I think we both can agree that dealing with poo explosions suck. It sucks all around and its something we didn’t think we would have to be searching the internet for how to fix baby blowouts.

But here we are talking about poo like its the new normal. The best thing we found to fix our poo problems has been to switch to cloth diapers. But I know that’s not every ones cup of tea. I hope this post will help you with your baby poo problems and maybe some of the tips will work out for you.

And if you know of any other poo fixes, I’d love to hear about them.

Don’t forget to share this to help a future mama out.

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Hi, I'm a not so normal stay at home mom. I love sweet tea, crafting, cooking, and having my "me time" at the gym. I love being a mom to my two lovely girls. You can expect to read alot about home crafts whether its kid friendly or decor ideas for your home. Easy and simple cooking recipes and also any tips I've learned along the way becoming a mom.