3 ingredients Oreo Ball dessert for your next Holiday Gathering

These 3 Ingredient Oreo ball desserts are small yet irresistible. They are rich and delicious with a hard chocolate coating on the outside and soft gooey goodness on the inside.

This 3 Ingredients Oreo Ball dessert recipe will have people asking you to make this again and again.
Who doesn’t enjoy a simple dessert recipe? I know I do and I can bet you do too. So I’ve been making this simple 3 ingredients Oreo ball recipe for every holiday or social gathering for a while now. Nowadays you can have birthday cake or carrot cake flavor oreos instead of the good old classic.
Which if you haven’t tried the carrot cake yet, I can say it taste just like the cake. Even has the cream cheese too. So, why not make these cookies into something even more irresistible? Introducing your 3 ingredients Oreo balls!
I will warn you, this is a rich chocolate dessert.
My handsome says he needs a glass of milk to help wash them down. But I enjoy them rich and all. If your still interested, let’s gather up your ingredients.
You’ll need:
- A pack of Oreo
- a package of cream cheese
- semi-sweet chocolate chips

You will also need a bowl, spoon, and a flat pan. You could use a mixing machine of your preference, it would cut time, but I enjoy beating the Oreo’s up by hand. (Bonus stress relief.)
The first step is to dump the oreos into the bowl. I use the whole bag minus maybe three, because I have to “taste test” them first and make sure they are still yummy.

This step I take the meat hammer and get to pounding. I sometimes place the oreos in a ziplock baggie and then pound away. (Less of a mess) But you could put them in a food processor to do the work for you.
After you have smashed the oreos into dust bits, it’s time to add the cream cheese. I use the whole 8oz pack. It works alot better if you leave it out to come to room temperature before using it.
But if you’re like me and forgot to take it out ahead of time, here’s a trick.
Turn your oven on high heat. Wait a bit for it to get warm, then turn it off. Crack the door open and place the package of cream cheese inside. The heat will bring it to working temperature in a few minutes without melting it down to liquid.
Here you can use your spoon to work it into the oreos or you can cheat and let your mixer do it for you while you sip on some wine. After the oreos are blended into the cream cheese, it should look like some chocolate thick goo pudding.

Now we need to throw the mixture into the icebox for a few minutes so it’ll be easier to work with. When you take it back out, it should be like instant biscuit dough soft. But not already made cookie dough from the refrigerator section hard.
Now for the fun part.
Next, take a spoonful and start rolling in your hands until you get a ball. Place onto your pan. Repeat until all gone. Can make them any size you desire. They do not have to be perfect. This is a step your kiddos could help with also.

Place the oreo balls into the icebox for a few minutes so they can harden up a bit and keep their shape.
Next take your chocolate chips and melt them. Just put them in a bowl in the microwave. Newk it for a minute or so depending on your microwave voltage. I use a little bit at a time because the coldness from the oreo balls cools your chocolate down.

Take your Oreo balls out of the freezer and start dumping and rolling them in the chocolate. Place them back on the pan. If you wanted to use sprinkles for decorating, dunk a few, stop and sprinkle before the chocolate hardens.
I normally do about five then I stop and sprinkle. Or let your kiddo do the sprinkling. You can let the chocolate harden and go back over them with icing and sprinkles. Repeat until they are all done.

And there you have it. Delicious 3 ingredients Oreo balls. I can never just have one because they are so good.
There are endless ways of decorating them. Have fun and enjoy.
If you have an Oreo recipe you can’t resist making, I’d love to hear all about it. Don’t forget to save this recipe for the future.

3 Ingredients Oreo Balls
- baking pan
- meat mallet or blender
- Spoon
- Bowl
- 1 Pkg cream cheese
- 1 Pkg Oreos
- 2 Cups semi sweet chocolate chips
- sprinkles optional
- Place oreos in a bowl and smash them up with a meat pallet or put them in a blender. Make sure all the big pieces are gone.
- Take your cream cheese and mix it with the grounded oreos. You should have a smooth texture.Place the mixture in the freezer for a few minutes so it can harden up a bit.
- Take it out of the freezer and began making your balls by spooning the mixture out and rolling it in your hands to form the balls. The sizing is up to you.
- Place your balls on the pan lined with parchment paper and place in the freezer again so the balls can keep there shape.
- While the balls are in the freezer, take your chocolate chips and melt half the bag first.
- Take your balls out, and dip each one in the bowl of chocolate, replacing them back on the pan. At this point you can sprinkle as you go while the chocolate hardens or leave them as is.
- Serve and enjoy.

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