What are the most important items to pack in a diaper bag?

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Are you wondering what items to pack in your diaper bag? When I was expecting, I wondered what I really needed.
Like the important things. Because who wants to haul around half their house on their shoulders? Not me. And probably not you.
So I’ve tried to make it easy on you and complied a list of 10 most important items I think you should have in your diaper bag.
But quick story before I tell you the very first item you will need in your bag. My brother was having his baby a few days earlier then expected. That comes with having a baby. They have their own schedule for the most part.
Of course his girlfriend didn’t bring the diaper bag or her hospital bag with her to the appointment, so we had to bring the bags to them.
I was being nosey and decided to look inside the diaper bag to see what all she had packed. I found soooo many clothes, all sizes to up 9months.
Ladies, you only need 3 different sized outfits for the “hospital going home outfit”. She also had too many socks, bottles, and blankets. What I didn’t see was wipes for the booty and Diapers! It’s a bag specifically named after what you need to carry inside of it.
So without farther ado here is number 1.

1: Diapers. Do not forget these. They are the most important item in the bag. Whether you are using disposables or cloth diapers, please remember to pack them in the bag. I tend to carry at least 10 every time I leave the house.
I have since switched to using cloth diapers and only carry 4 diapers in the diaper bag. Check out my 3 major reasons for switching to cloth diapers.

2 : Wipes. You can’t clean a dirty booty without this necessity. This was also an item that she forgot to put in the bag. I mean you could use toliet paper if you ran out of wipes while you were out, but always check the wipe count before leaving the house.

3 : Extra pair of clothes. You never know what might happen while you are out and about. Always pack at least one extra set of clothing in the diaper bag. Put them in a zip lock baggie or a wet bag.

4 : Ziploc baggie or Wet bag. As mentioned above these are handy. Not only just for carrying a extra set of clothes, but to place the dirty set they were previously wearing inside. It will keep your diaper bag clean and dry. Also may contain any funky smells that may have developed. I use a wet bag to store my used cloth diapers while out.

5 : Baby bottle. You really only need one bottle during your outings. If baby gets hungry you have one on hand to feed. After your baby is done eating, just rinse it out with some water. It will be good to use again if you need to before you are home.

6 : Milk. You need milk to feed your baby. Either its your liquid gold (breast milk) or formula ( also important) its very important to grab this item so your baby will be satisfied with a full tummy and not get hangry. ( Hungry + Angry) Also if you are feeding with formula make sure to bring a bottle of water to make the milk. I like to carry a reusable bottle that I fill up before leaving the house.

7 : Bids & burp cloths. These are something you will always want to have 2 of. One set during your day out and the second set as back up. At least for the first year.

8 : Pacifier. If you are not using a paci for your baby just leave this item out. But if you are using one, pack an extra one. You may think you will never lose it while you’re out, but you are mistaken. Save yourself the headache and pack a back up.

9 : First- aid Kit. Yes, you need one. Why? Because life happens and even though they are babies now, one day they will become mobile and get an ouchie and you will not have band-aids to “make it feel better”. Also you may need a band-aid for whatever reason.
I pack
- a few band-aids of different sizes.
- A few alcohol wipes.
- Eye drops.
- Medicine for headaches, Tums, and Infant Pain & Fever.
- Bug bite StingEze Pen. ( you can find that at Walmart in the bug section.)
- I also pack a thing of nail clippers and tweezers.

9¾ : Sunscreen and Bug spray. This is optional but it does come in handy when you need it. Most of the stuff says you need to wait till they are six months of age before applying to baby. Just consult with the doctor first. This also depends on the time of season and where you live.
10 : I.D. Card. I.d. card doesn’t have to be a state I.D. just something that says the parents name, phone number, and child information with any allergies or medical history. Why? Because again, life happens and you never know. Also don’t forget an emergency contact number and address.

Well there you have it, 10 important items to pack in that new diaper bag of yours.
I hope you enjoyed my little story and my list of items I find to be the most important things to pack in your Diaper bag.
Being a mom isn’t easy but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming hard either.
I loved to hear if you have anything else you can’t leave the house without packing in your diaper bag first.
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Want more parenting help? Check these out below
Find out my 3 reasons that convinced me to use cloth diapers
Save your money and learn how to make your cloth diaper liners
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I give you credit for switching to cloth diapers. I always said i wanted to do that too, but I just haven’t been able to get past the convienience of the disposable ones.
I honestly tried them out because my baby kept leaking and having blowouts. Now I don’t have that problem anymore.
This got me thinking about what was the most used items in our diaper bag. Sure diapers are a must but it was really more for the unexpected poops.
Most things in the bag were associated with eating and getting messy. I love the extra clothing, zip lock bags! Snacks was a big one when they get a bit older. Wipes… LOTS OF WIPES!!
Wipes was definitely the most used item in our bag! 🤪
Rianna Galvez
This is such a comprehensive list! Very helpful.